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Essentrics® Class Information

Dates are subject to change.

Essentrics® Strength & Flexibility Class (30 – 45 minutes)

Sundays 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Essentrics® Strength & Flexibility Class challenges your whole body with movement through myofascial chains and targeted exercises to improve mobility (strength + flexibility).

Class Pricing

New participants: Please complete online registration form.
Prefer paper? Contact – Spiral Up Work Out.

Private Classes are on hold.

For more about Essentrics, click here.

This is your foot tripod. Practice standing on all three points for better alignment and balance.

Recommended equipment for at home practice: a mat (optional) and a chair. Socks to use as props are suggested.

What to wear: Comfortable clothing that moves with you! Classes are done barefoot; however, shoes should be worn if needed.

Why Bare Feet?

  • Standing barefoot allows us to connect with our feet and find our foot tripod.
  • Standing on our foot tripod helps us stand and strengthen in good alignment and with better balance. If the foot is unstable, the rest of us will be.
  • Feet contain mechanoreceptors (touch receptors) that send messages via the nervous system. This is important for balance. Sensitivity to mechanoreceptors decreases as we age and wearing shoes adds a layer of cushion that decreases that sensory stimulation* more, putting us at a risk for falls. Being barefoot allows the feet to experience more stimulation for better balance.
  • Deep foot and core muscles are connected. If the feet are stiff and weak, as they can be from wearing shoes, the deep core can be as well. This impacts stability.
  • Shoes can squish our toes impacting foot function. Barefoot gives them a chance to spread.
  • If you wear orthotics, going barefoot may be contraindicated. Please check with your doctor.

*If you are interested in insoles or mats that offer stimulation to the feet, check out Naboso. Full disclosure: I’m an investor and I use the products. For a deeper dive into this topic, this podcast is a fascinating place to start.